At Ace Golf Car Repair we can rebuild, customize , repair, service or refurbish any golf car to fit your needs. With over 20 years’ experience, we are committed to excellence in customer service and developing long-term customer relationships. Our skilled technicians are ready to get your golf car back in service as quickly and affordably as possible. Whether it’s creating a fully customized golf car to cruise the course or neighborhood in style, coming to your rescue when your batteries die, or offering you a regular maintenance schedule for your trusted companion, our goal is to always exceed your expectations.
Please inquire about any services not listed – we do it all!
Ace Golf Cars Repair Offers Pick-Up and Delivery Valley-Wide.
Mobile Service Available.
No one wants their golf car out of commission!
Maintenance is the key to keep your golf car in optimum running condition.
At Ace Golf Cars Repair we have a passion for creating quality, customized and personalized golf cars.
We can modifiy and improve the performance of your golf car.
Your car will stay safe and secure in our air conditioned facility.
The McIntyres
Carl Bode
Ray King
John Turley
Don Liebman
Karen F.
Emil Bistrin
Cameron M.
Gary B.
Sheri K.
Jon E.
Ray L.
Janice K.
Barry F.
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